Downstream libatomic_ops releases (Sep 2021)
ivmai opened this issue · 26 comments
Just convenient place to keep record of pushing latest releases downstream.
file_size: 506313
md5: 0b0b88da4bde5dd770daea3146e78359
sha1: 8d4c69e8b2ed098ce4e056170fd96fc590c2b885
sha256: f0ab566e25fce08b560e1feab6a3db01db4a38e5bc687804334ef3920c549f3e
sha512: bbf98a38a80c8fe6b7eab773967edc55b8d48be32b36ed827fb835ee3dcd96d5ec1dc97149714e015e93a0a5b9fc03595797663fdb5a0f673869ea8bfe640df5
cksum (linux): 3123545103
Cygwin: andyli/libatomic_ops-cygwin#6 - merged
Online sha512 generator -
AOSC: AOSC-Dev/aosc-os-abbs#3504 - merged
ConanCenter: conan-io/conan-center-index#7517 - merged.
Note: at least 3 reviews are needed, I've added to /cc a person from the history for the package
HaikuPorts - haikuports/haikuports#6230 - merged.
GoboLinux: gobolinux/Recipes#147 - merged
MacPorts: macports/macports-ports#12471 - merged.
Command to create archive: git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=ivmai-libatomic_ops-`git show-ref --hash=7 v7.6.12`/ -o libatomic_ops-7.6.12.tar.gz v7.6.12
rpmd160 online generator:
MidnightBSD: MidnightBSD/mports#4 (v7.4.16) - merged
SHA256 (libatomic_ops-7.4.16.tar.gz) = 9e74d145e030dcb69dd580627413acea272d9805dd91724407335685c86c8210
SIZE (libatomic_ops-7.4.16.tar.gz) = 484922
MSYS2 mingw: msys2/MINGW-packages#9711 - merged
SageMath: ivmai/sagemath-sage@094a407 - incomplete (PRs should be submitted as explained in
Adelie Linux: - merged
Pisi Linux: pisilinux/core#1286 - merged
Spack: spack/spack#26512 - merged
Void Linux: void-linux/void-packages#33326 - merged
Alpine Linux: - merged
(no need to approve this PR by self)
openEuler: fix typo in spec (v7.6.10) - - merged
Note: type "/check-pr".
Ataraxia Linux:
OpenIndiana: OpenIndiana/oi-userland#7161 (includes also update of libatomic_ops) - merged
MidnightBSD: MidnightBSD/mports#6 (v7.4.16 -> v7.6.12) - merged
fosslinux: I can't update it because binary checksums of built libs are put to repository.
Sabotage linux: sabotage-linux/sabotage#702 - merged
is there a specific reason you want this new version available in all distros ?
is there a specific reason you want this new version available in all distros ?
Hello @rofl0r,
Some bugs were fixed since previous release (e.g. as of Sabotage the change between v7.4.2 and v7.4.16 contains fixes in asm code for m68k, aarch64, mips64 and i686). Ideally downstream package maintainers to make the updates but to my understanding it's not obvious for the maintainers what was changed in the upstream and how to update the downstream build scripts or patches correctly. Sometimes the maintainers are not aware that particular bugs were discovered and fixed upstream.
So, my role here, as I see, is to reduce the difficulties in updating the distro packages by participating in the process if possible.
Cygwinports mingw64-x86_64: cygwinports/mingw64-x86_64-libatomic_ops#2 - no longer maintained (closed)
raspberrypi/noobs: raspberrypi/noobs#636 - cancelled (not used in noobs, source is copied from buildroots)
vcpkg: microsoft/vcpkg#21285 (v7.7.0-20211109) - merged