
Error: wireguard tunnel failed to start, check wireguard public key and ip address in your settings.

I-amCoder opened this issue · 6 comments

Bug report

I've been getting this issue even on latest release.

Describe your environment

  • Device: iphone 11 pro
  • OS name and version: sonama 14
  • IVPN app version: 2.12.1

Describe the problem

After logging into the app, when I click on connect switch with wireguard protocol, it keeps connecting and disconnecing, thus creates a connection loop and displays the message, "Wireguard tunnel failed to start check wireguard pubic key and ip address in your settings

Observed Results:

  • What happened? This could be a description, log output, etc.

Expected Results:

  • What did you expect to happen?

Relevant Code:

// TODO(you): code here to reproduce the problem

Hi! This can happen in some cases, often if there are multiple VPN profiles saved in the iOS Settings.
There are few things you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Remove all VPN profiles from the iOS Settings and connect with IVPN again
  2. (1.) + reboot the device
  3. Check if the passcode is enabled in the iOS Settings (needs to be enabled for IVPN iOS app to work properly)
  4. Don't use IVPN app on a jailbroken device, it will most certainly not work

Hi @jurajhilje !
I'm also the same kind of issue face, I have just installed ivpn application on my device, can you check on the device level.
iOS version: 17.4
macOS: 14.3


I did a quick test on the latest iOS 17.4.1 and found no issues.
However, I'll ask our QA engineer to do a proper test with multiple devices and try to reproduce the issue.

Hi @jurajhilje !

There is no VPN profile on my device. I have also tried on different real devices. Whenever I log in to the app and try to establish a connection with WireGuard, the application enters into a connection loop with a "connecting" status. I don't know why it's not working. I suspect there's something missing in the code because I've checked most Values for configuration seem to be fine.


@itx-zeeshan OK understood. Have you tried steps from my comment above?
Also, do you have any non default settings in the IVPN app?

Ok I resolved the issue, by replacing app-groups with my own groups in tunnel provider entitlement files.

Replace all occurance:


with your own group.