
Building failed with Exception thrown at CryptorUnitTest

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Task :app:testDebugUnitTest

me.iweizi.stepchanger.CryptorUnitTest > main FAILED
java.io.FileNotFoundException at CryptorUnitTest.java:29

me.iweizi.stepchanger.CryptorUnitTest > testDecrypt FAILED
java.io.FileNotFoundException at CryptorUnitTest.java:29

4 tests completed, 2 failed

Probably cuz I am using a mac:

RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("C:\Xiaomi\XiaoMiFlash\Source\ThirdParty\Google\Android\step.info", "r");

you can remove the test code and build again. file "C:\Xiaomi\XiaoMiFlash\Source\ThirdParty\Google\Android\step.info" is copied from my cellphone.