
Is RockMongo compatible with PHP7 and the new Mongo php driver ?

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I don't think so but is someone try ?

Doesn't seem to be working for me by default update. Maybe i need to do something else to make it work

I think that this project is dead and no longer being maintained :(

I've tried today.
First install the package manager of php called composer, which is required to use mongodb in php now, then run $ composer require alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter (see https://github.com/alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter, a compatibility layer for php 7 to use legacy mongo functions) in the rockmongo root directory.
If the command finishes with success, add require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; at the top of index.php of rockmongo, then it should work again.

@RyokoAkizuki will try to do it

[update] It Worked !! ๐Ÿ˜„

Thanks @RyokoAkizuki ! that worked ๐Ÿ‘

@YukinoHayakawa It worked. Thank you.

In case anyone is interested, after checking those who have forked the project, the most recently updated version has been made to work with PHP 7 and Mongo 3.4:

Vote on this issue please #133

It saved my life

@trungx loook at issue: #133