
Very slow work with 100+ databases

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I have somewhere about 100 databases and each have ~25 collections. And first time when I login in to RockMongo it working very slow. When I go to databases page I can wait over 2 minute. My server: i7 16GB RAM :(

i also had the problem


this is my "solution" just do not display the count when you have a lot of databases / collections

@woodworker thank you! This really cool work for index screen!
But now I have another problem: When I go to databases page I can wait over 2 minute (on top menu "databases" link). Maybe you can help with this trouble?

the "fix" for the sidebar was to nod query this data
but when you got to the database page you want to see the information.

but i may look into this as we have the same problem with this page