
Custom SignOutButton currently not being used

MateusSantosFonseca opened this issue · 5 comments

It's not necessarily a bug but:

On src/app/(auth)/dashboard/layout.tsx I think that the SignOutButton shouldn't be imported directly from Clerk

import { SignOutButton } from '@clerk/nextjs';*

because in the project there's a custom SignOutButton (currently unused) that imports from Clerk


I noticed that while making some changes to the button. Just wanted to point that out!

@MateusSantosFonseca Thank you for reporting it, love your feedback. I don't remember what I was trying to do😅 I'll investigate but definitively, something can be improved.

@MateusSantosFonseca You really made my day! Always appreciate all feedback to improve the boilerplate. On top of that, you made sponsor 🙏 I just notice it.

@MateusSantosFonseca Now, the project is using the custom button and to avoid confusion, I also took the opportunity to rename to LogOutButton

PR: #190

Thanks, your boilerplate is really helpful! Glad I helped a little bit. Have a great week! =]

You too, have a great week!