
Confusing naming between Schema and Validation.

luishdez opened this issue · 6 comments

Shouldn't be the Objects inside shcema folder called GuestbookSchema and the Objects inside validations GuestbookEditValidation...or GuestbookEditSchemaValidation ( maybe too long) instead of using the name Schema inside validation?

schema: Schema of the database
validation: Schema for validation

Totally agree with you. It's really confusion.

Indeed, Schema should refer to the database.
And Validation should used for validation instead of Schema.

So, we can rename guestbookTable to guestbookSchema
And, then in validation folder, rename GuestbookSchema to GuestbookValidation, EditGuestbookSchema to EditGuestbookValidation and DeleteGuestbookSchema to DeleteGuestbookValidation.

Do you think you can create the PR?

Awesome. Sure. I'll do the PR tonight.

Hi @luishdez, do you need some help?

Hi sorry for the delay. Unexpected catastrophe at work 🤦🏻‍♀️. I think I'll be ok with the refactor. Working on it.

Thank you for your help. Sure, no problem at all.

Thank you for all your help especially in a busy time for you!