
richtext field type not editable when placed in Object.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

iyobo commented

The richtext field throws an error in the console when put in an object block.

const schema = {
    name: 'Page',
    connectionName: 'default',
    structure: {
        title: { type: String, required: true },
        subTitle: String,
        slug: String,

        **intro: { type: String, meta: { widget: 'richtext' } },**

        sections: [
                title: String,
                slug: String,
                **body: { type: String, meta: { widget: 'richtext' } },**

        lastChangedBy: types.Ref({ meta: { ref: 'User' } }),

        parentPage: types.Ref({ meta: { ref: 'Page' } })


The intro richtext field works, but sections.*.body doesn't.
The issue is not with arrays either because making an array of richtexts works fine. It's always the object.

iyobo commented

Resolved by switching Object from quill to TinyMCE.
React-specific richtext editors overly complicate otherwise simple thing!