BUG: Midijobfaktor calculation in 2004
MImmesberger opened this issue · 0 comments
MImmesberger commented
Bug description
When computing social security contributions for 2004 I encountered a bug regarding the calculation of the Midijobfaktor. The function midijob_faktor_f_mit_minijob_steuerpauschale
is active in 2004 and throws out an error in this line:
allg_sozialv_beitr = (
-> + sozialv_beitr_params["beitr_satz_jahresanfang"]["ges_pflegev"]["standard"]
+ sozialv_beitr_params["beitr_satz_jahresanfang"]["arbeitsl_v"]
This happens because sozialv_beitr_params["beitr_satz_jahresanfang"]["ges_pflegev"]
is a scalar, the distinction between the standard contribution rate and the extra contribution for people without children exists since 2005.
Implement a type check of sozialv_beitr_params["beitr_satz_jahresanfang"]["ges_pflegev"]
that returns the correct object.