
BUG: Several policy functions related to "Grundsicherung im Alter" currently fail if a simulation period before 2011 is chosen

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On the current main branch (3ff81ed) several policy functions related to "Grundsicherung im Alter" fail if a simulation period before 2011 is chosen. The functions


use the parameters arbeitsl_geld_2_params["regelsatz"][1] and/or arbeitsl_geld_2_params["regelsatz"][2] for all simulation periods. This fails before 2011, since the "Regelbedarfsstufen" according to the RBEG were only introduced in 2011. Before 2011, the regelsatz parameter in arbeitsl_geld_2.yaml only contains a scalar value, the "Eckregelsatz", which is then multiplied by the proper anteil_regelsatz parameters to get the (implicit) "Regelbedarfsstufen".