
d.date and d.images return undefined in ?format=datatables but not with ?format=json

TheNerdy97 opened this issue · 1 comments

When I use api/fresh/?format=datatables two of my values that are not defined in the column but for a child row stop working even though this problem doesn't appear in api/fresh/?format=json but in this case, the sorting becomes quite buggy.

I'm pretty sure it's not anything else but a problem with my javascript, as the values do return with my Ajax response.

// Formatting function for row details - modify as you need //
function format ( d ) {
	// `d` is the original data object for the row
	return ('<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="padding-left:50px;">' +
		'<tr>' +
		'<b>' +
		d.code +'<br></br>' +'Last Updated ('+ d.date + ')' +
		'</b><br><br>' +
		'<td>' +
		d.images +
		'</td>' +
		'</tr>' +
		'<tr>' +
		'</tr>' +
$(document).ready(function() {

	var table = $('#Fresh').DataTable( {
		processing: true,
    	serverSide: true,
			dataSrc: 'data'
		columns: [
			{ data: "code" },
			{ data: "orbs",
			render: function ( data, type, row ) {
				return '<img src="  static/images/items/orb.png " width="22" height="22" styleL="padding-bottom:3px;" /> '+ data;
	} },
			{ data: "price",
			render: function ( data, type, row ) {
			return '$'+ data;
	} },
		initComplete: function( settings, json ) {
		  this.api().rows().every( function () {
			this.child( format(this.data()) ).show();
	} );

} );

Making the 'date' and 'images' always serialized fixed the issue.