
Is row selection work ?

philibe opened this issue · 3 comments


I tried on your example the ability of selection but it doesn't seem to work

In fact I tried to use django-rest-framework-datatables like this tutorial https://www.gyrocode.com/projects/jquery-datatables-checkboxes/ and the checkbox doesn't work neither.

     'select': {
         'style': 'multi'
     'columnDefs': [

             'targets': 1,
             'checkboxes': {
                 'selectRow': true


Do you know if the actual version of django-rest-framework-datatables can do that ?
These javascript DataTable() options are agnostic for your framework ?

Thank you.


PS: I use a lot datatables.net in R Shiny by DT library wrapper, and I try to apply my knowledge for django-rest-framework-datatables.

On Flask it works after the installation of the datatables checkbox js plug-in, that I've forgotten. Maybe it's the only cause and the same thing on Django Rest Framework Datatables

Keep in mind that DRF Datatables is just just a backend adapter for django-rest-framework, your issue seems to be related to the frontend js code...

Yes. It seems.