
Publish app-release APK on github

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Would it be possible to upload the apk of each version to github? This is useful for those of us who do not use Google Apps and use alternatives such as Obtainium to keep the mobile updated.

PD: The F-Droid version is very good but it doesn't update fast...


I have created an APK here, and will try to keep it up to date. Expect less frequent changes going forward, as the app is getting stable.

It is much appreciated, although the application that I mentioned does not detect the apk well because it is not together with the "releases" (where you attach the source code in .tar and .tar.gz). If you could add the apk there too in future versions... that would be perfect. Thank you so much!

OK, I was not familiar with Obtainium, but am looking into it to see what is required to make the APK to it.

Now an APK file is created in GitHub every time a new the code is tagged with a new tag. Could you let me know if this works for you?

Hello, first of all thank you for having worked on this fantastic app and for paying attention to my request.

Well, I just wanted to tell you that I have installed the v3 version of github, and now with the v10 that you just put, it tells me that it cannot be updated due to a conflict with a package.


Uninstall v3 and install again v3??

OK, I'm not quite understanding the issue. So you installed v3 from the APK? Then tried to installed v10, and gave you this error?

I think the error occurs when an app with the same package is already installed. This is a general problem when installing APK's directly. In your case, you already have installed v3, and when you try to install v10 (which has the same package), this fails. So, in order to install v10, you would have to uninstall v3 first.

BTW, there is not a lot of difference between v3 and v10, if any. I was just trying to get the script to generate the APK's working, that us why all these versions.

I personally do not have a lot of experience with installing from APK's directly. Are you using some app to do this? If so, which one, so I can try it.

I use Obtainiun with a largue list of apps and I dont have this problem.

I'm not exactly sure what the problem could be. Maybe the App is not updated because the APK v3 and v10 are identical, and Obtainiun refuses to update them. All I can do is provide the APK, which works fine on my phone. I still think uninstalling the v3 app just once and installing the latest could fix the issue for the future.


But obtainium has nothing to do with it. It is the android installer that does not let me update. If I install apk from a file manager the same thing happens. I will comment here if in future releases I have the same problem. Thank you.

With version 11 it happens again. I have read that this can happen when Android detects that the version you are installing is a lower version. Is it possible that there is some variable that is not being iterated and that detects that the version is the same or a lower one?

I updated the version of the app, and built it again (v16), but still could not install it over the old APK. Does it work for you?

Interestingly enough, I could install the same v16 multiple times.

No, i cant install v16. Same error

It has something to do with signing the APK. This is what I got when I tried to install it using adb:

$ adb install CasioGShockSmartSync.apk 
Performing Streamed Install
adb: failed to install CasioGShockSmartSync.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package org.avmedia.gshockGoogleSync signatures do not match previously installed version; ignoring!]

Still looking into it, but if you know something about github actions and how to sign the APK with them, let me know.

I'll have to put this issue on the back-burner for now. I like to spend more of my time on a related project, coming soon. I will stop generating release for each git push, to reduce the number of releases. In the mean time, if anybody is familiar with GitHub workflows, and is willing to figure out how to sign APK's easily, let me know and I will re-open this issue.