
SQL error on CREATE TABLE using QUERY method

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When i use query method to create a table, this return me SQL ERROR without any description;

$this->getBdd()->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_table (
        id SERIAL NOT NULL,
        user_id integer NOT NULL,
        coordx double precision NOT NULL,
        coordy double precision NOT NULL,
        geom GEOMETRY NOT NULL,
        create_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY(id)

As no rows are affected when creating any table returns 0

I have found a "partial" solution commenting some lines of the method exec()

    public function exec()
        if (is_null($this->query)) {
            return null;

        $query = $this->pdo->exec($this->query);

//        if (! $query) {
//            $this->error = $this->pdo->errorInfo()[2];
//            return $this->error();
//        }

        return $query;

I will continue working on my fork and if I find a viable solution I will comment here.

Hi @itsalb3rt ; I guess you're right. Exec method in PDO returns the number of affected rows. For 'CREATE TABLE' command, It will return a value like zero (0), because there is no affected rows.

I'll be fix this issue soon (in two days).

Source: http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.exec.php

Hi @itsalb3rt , I just fixed this and released new version. You can update library through composer.
Thanks for your feedback.

Hi @itsalb3rt , I just fixed this and released new version. You can update library through composer.
Thanks for your feedback.
