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Analysis scripts for Li, et. al.


Figure Legends

Microarray expression values were z-score scaled. Samples were clustered via calculating the Euclidean distance between centroids. See (1) for raw data curation and (2) for the associated analysis code for this manuscript. The data was originally generated as part of (3) and (4) and can be accessed using the GEO identifiers GSE20916 and GSE8671 (5).


Microarray expression data were accessed and analyzed as described in (1). Briefly, human microarray data were accessed from the GEO database GSE20916 and GSE8671 (5) under the inclusion parameters of "normal" tissue and non-cancer "adenoma" tissue. Multimapping probes were dropped and probe sets mapping to the same gene were collapsed and averaged. Heatmaps were generated using XPRESSplot (v0.2.5) (6). GEO datasets were parsed using the GEOparse package (v2.0.3) (https://pypi.org/project/GEOparse/). Gene set normalization was performed using scikit-learn (v1.2.2) (7). Benjamini-Hochberg (8) corrected p-values were calculated using SciPy (v1.10.1) (9) and statsmodels (v0.14.0) (10).

Statistics and figures related to processing the heatmaps and GEO database datasets were performed in Python. Data processing and analyses can be interactively replicated using Jupyter Notebook (https://jupyter.org) at (12).


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To reproduce the analyses from these scripts:

The following example will show how to install and run the analyses on a *nix OS.

  1. Download Conda and install.
  2. Download this repository.
  3. Unzip the folder and navigate to the folder using the command line. For example, if you downloaded the zip file to your Desktop:
cd ~/Desktop/
unzip li_2023-main.zip
cd li_2023-main
  1. Create a conda environment:
conda create -n li_analysis
conda activate li_analysis
conda install python jupyter
pip install -r requirements
git clone https://github.com/XPRESSyourself/XPRESSplot.git
cd XPRESSplot
python setup.py install
  1. Launch Juypter Notebook (from within the li_2023-main directory):
jupyter notebook