
Cannot select "Open Input Sources at login"

Toucani opened this issue · 1 comments


I cannot select the checkbox "Open Input Sources at login" in the Preferences. Here is what I do:

  • Open Preferences
  • Click the "Open input sources at login" checkbox

The check does not appear(so the option cannot be enabled). Here is a video:

I am using the latest version of the app from the App Store:
Screenshot 2022-04-17 at 19 17 20

I am using MacOS Monterey. Here are more details:
Screenshot 2022-04-17 at 19 12 48

Please let me know if I can troubleshoot or debug it further:)

Continuing debugging I tried to build the project myself updating the dependencies.


If I understood right, LaunchAtLogin library doesn't work when installed via CocoaPods: When you install the cocoapod, this module doesn't actually work. But it works when you use Carthage..

Full explanation

I've updated the dependencies and rebuilt the project. It didn't fix the bug. I was using the latest version of the dependencies:

  • Defaults 6.2.1
  • KeyboardShortcuts 1.7.0
  • LaunchAtLogin 4.2.0
  • Preferences 2.6.0

No luck with toggling the Launch at login switch. Console gave me this:

Input Sources(11525,0x1123f5600) malloc: nano zone abandoned due to inability to preallocate reserved vm space.
2022-06-08 20:23:03.240000+0100 Input Sources[11525:2932614] Could not locate login item us.twopointzero.Input-Sources-LaunchAtLoginHelper in the caller's bundle
2022-06-08 20:23:03.241034+0100 Input Sources[11525:2932614] Could not enable login item: us.twopointzero.Input-Sources-LaunchAtLoginHelper: 3: No such process

Googling Could not locate login item in LaunchAtLogin project I found these bugs(which I believe to be relevant):

If I understood right, the conclusion is that When you install the cocoapod, this module doesn't actually work. But it works when you use Carthage.. I am not that familiar with XCode and native MacOS development, but it seems that we're not using Carthage here(I am judging by the lack of Cart files, knowledge taken from here).


So the next thing to try out would be moving consuming dependencies from our current way(CocoaPods ???) to this Carthage. I think I am going to try doing it sometime when I am super bored, but given the lack of my native macOS development experience, it might be a slow process.