
Title / text block

j0ono0 opened this issue · 3 comments

Enable a way for other supporting text to be added to the diagram.

Would love to be able to do diagram.add_text() and even diagram.add_raw() (name pending 😉) to add raw svg code that will be appended to the diagram :)

Would love to be able to do diagram.add_text() and even diagram.add_raw() (name pending 😉) to add raw svg code that will be appended to the diagram :)

Hi arturo182, thanks for the interest in pinout! I've had a pretty amazing few days watching twitter, the support and interest has been super rewarding.

diagram.add_text() is high on my list as I would like to add title blocks and notes to diagrams - typical of what might appear on a pinout diagram. Are their specific features you would like to see a text component support?

diagram.add_raw() is a great idea to open 'svg mashups' to advanced users. Currently adding an svg image and embedding it (ie: diagram.add_image("my-svg-file.svg", embed=True) simple inserts the SVG file markup so might be used as a work around. ...I'm getting some ideas on this as I type and might be trivial to do - could make it into the v0.0.9 release.

0.0.10 will include a 'textblock' component. It is unsophisticated but capable of inserting multi-line text content into the diagram. CSS styling access is excellent via use of the tag.

PyCairo was investigated in detail as a solution but discarded as cross platform text support (ie dev setup for windows) proved to be discouragingly complex.