Remove code used in test blocks (when JVERSION < 3.999 for instance)
Closed this issue · 2 comments
j2commerce commented
Admin models/views/controllers
- app
- apps
- appstores
- carts
- configuration
- countries
- coupon
- cpanel
- crons
- currencies
- customer
- customers
- customfield
- emailtemplate
- eupdates
- filtergroup
- geozone
- inventories
- invoicetemplate
- length
- manufacturers
- option
- order
- orders
- orderstatuses
- payments
- postconfig
- productbase
- product
- products
- queues
- report
- reports
- shippings
- shippingtroubles
- taxprofile
- taxrate
- vendors
- voucher
- weights
- zones
Other admin
- models/fields
- models/behaviors
- helpers
- library
Site models/views/controllers
- carts
- checkout
- myprofile
- product
- products
- producttags
- vendor
Admin modules
- chart
- menu
- orders
- stats
- stats_mini
Site modules
- cart
- currency
Content plugins
- j2store
Finder plugins
- j2store
Installer plugins
- j2store
j2store plugins
- app-bootstrap3
- app-bootstrap4
- app-bootstrap5
- app_currencyupdater
- app_diagnostics
- app_flexivariable
- app_localization_data
- app_schemaproducts
- payment_banktransfer
- payment_cash
- payment_moneyorder
- payment_paypal
- payment_sagepayform
- report_itemised
- report_products
- shipping_free
- shipping_standard
search plugins
- j2store
system plugins
- j2canonical
- j2pagecache
- j2store
user plugins
- j2userregister
brianteeman commented
I have been meaning to ask about this. I thought at first it could be completely removed but then I read the migration instructions and it looks like everything in this release needs to work on j3 as well because the migration to j2storev4 takes place before the upgrade to j4 so it has to stay and can only be removed in a future version which after a user has migrated to j4
j2commerce commented
Totally accurate, I will close this issue and will move that task to the J2Commerce extension.