
Update/Delete many records at once?

jockster opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi again Jamie,

I tried the following, which didn't work. Is there any current solution to my issue?

    $existingSessions = ORM::for_table('sessions')->where_lt('expire', date("Y:m:d H:i:S", time()))->find_many();



No, unfortunately this won't work at the moment. find_many returns a simple PHP array of ORM instances, one for each row. To delete them all, you'd need to call:

foreach ($existingSessions as $session) {

I'm aware that this isn't ideal, as it generates n queries. This problem has been discussed before, and it's on my roadmap. Ideally, I'd want the syntax to be:

ORM::for_table('sessions')->where_lt('expire', date("Y:m:d H:i:S", time()))->delete();

Similarly, the following should be possible:

$results = ORM::for_table('person')->where('name', 'Fred');
$results->name = 'Bob';

This should issue UPDATE person SET name="Bob" WHERE name="Fred";

This will require quite a lot of refactoring, but I think (in principle) it should be possible. I'll keep this ticket open as a feature request. Unfortunately, I'm very busy at the moment so I can't give an ETA.


Hi Jamie,

No stress at all! Big thanks for both your initiative with idiorm as well as your fantastic support!

Take care!

Whoa, I accidentally closed it. Maybe you can sort that out so it stays open for you?

No problem, I reopened it.

#38 resolves the delete part of the feature request.

To delete multiple records you should use the delete_many() method in Idiorm. For all else you can now use result sets in commit 5a6d20c

Hi. Is it possible to update many records at once? Something like UPDATE table SET foo='bar' WHERE id IN (1,2,3) ?

lol, I can do any query with raw_execute, but then why we need ORM? ) I meant something like for_table()->where_in('id',array(1,2,3))->set('foo','bar')->save();

Hmm, yes, I know what you meant. My answer still stands though, but there are two other less appealing options:

Idiorm is deliberately simple and this is one of those features that has been deliberately omitted.

If you have a good idea of how to implement it (whilst supporting PHP 5.2) then please do open a pull request.