
Additional model method doesn't work

inouet opened this issue · 7 comments

Code below doesn't work.



require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/idiorm.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/j4mie/paris/paris.php';


class Foo extends Model
    public static $_table = 'sample';

    public function some_method()
        echo "call: some_method()\n";

$foo = Model::factory("Foo");
$ php Hoge.php
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'IdiormMethodMissingException' with message 'Method some_method() does not exist in class ORMWrapper' in /vagrant/hoge/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/idiorm.php:2185
Stack trace:
#0 /vagrant/hoge/Hoge.php(19): ORM->__call('some_method', Array)
#1 /vagrant/hoge/Hoge.php(19): ORMWrapper->some_method()
#2 {main}
  thrown in /vagrant/hoge/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/idiorm.php on line 2185

My code is something wrong ?


j4mie/idiorm: v1.5.1
j4mie/paris : v1.5.4

Yes, there is. When you call ::factory() it returns an instance of ORMWrapper instead of Model like you think it does.

I am not sure what you're trying to do inside some_method so it's not clear which work around to use to fix this:

  • If creating a new query then you should use a static method

     static function getUsers() {
         return Model::factory(__CLASS__)->find_many();
  • If you want to apply a set of filters then look into filter()

In Docs you wrote:

Of course, because these objects are instances of your base model classes, you can also call methods that you have defined on them:

class User extends Model {
    public function full_name() {
        return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

$user = Model::factory('User')->find_one($id);
echo $user->full_name();

But this doesn't work at all. What's the right solution?

Please include a link to the related docs in your comment.

Are you getting an error? The code to power this interaction is there in the ORMWrapper class of Paris.

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'IdiormMethodMissingException' with message 'Method full_name() does not exist in class ORM' in D:\xampp\htdocs\launch2.sm\Idiorm.php on line 2185
( ! ) IdiormMethodMissingException: Method full_name() does not exist in class ORM in D:\xampp\htdocs\launch2.sm\Idiorm.php on line 2185

OK, cool. Please open a new ticket as this is unrelated to this issue and this one is also closed. Please include all the information here.