
Manual command

Opened this issue · 2 comments


It would be nice to enable manual command widget instead of automated every x seconds.

Here is a simple use case : I have a lamp connected to a Tasmota plug which is used to show what's going on with the webcam, as the room is quite dark.

I can simply switch it on or off with the following call and get status :

curl -s | jq -r ".POWER"

This works fine with dashboard command widget, but i would like to be able to activate it on demand, when clicking on the widget icon, for example.

FYI: It should be fairly easy to use the PSUControl Plugin to do the switching and sensing of your lamp as it can use system commands for both. I use that to turn the printer on/off and display the status over an IKEA smart plug.


Thanks for your reply.

I actually use the Tasmota plugin which adds a toogle button in the header bar, but when Dashboard is in full screen mode, this button is no more visible.