
Don't run multiple instances when calling xidlehook again

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Since it is possible to append multiple --timers.
Would it be possible to add a way for it to detect if there is already an instance
of xidlehook running and if it is don't run another instance?

For example, if I run picom -b twice, it detects than another instance is already running
and does nothing.

Sometimes I have to reload my window manager and in the startup script of the window
manager it also starts up xidlehook.
To mitigate this I wrote a simple if-statement to check if it is already running.
But it would preferable if the program checked it instead.

You can mitigate this easily. Let's say you run i3. Each time you re-login, xidlehook instances increase.
You can fix this easily by killing xidlehook the moment you exit i3.
bindsym <key> exec --no-startup-id pkill xdlehook | i3-msg exit