
--not-when-fullscreen not detecting wine games

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I'm using i3gaps, xidlehook and i3lock together. It normally works but recently i discovered when i was away from keyboard that xidlehook won't detect wine games even they are fullscreen.

exec --no-startup-id xidlehook --not-when-fullscreen --timer 300 "i3lock -f -B=sigma -k --pass-media-keys --timecolor=ffffffff --datecolor=ffffffff" ""

xidlehook 0.8.2
i3 version 4.18.1

How does the latest master, 31a658b, work for you? Most people having trouble with --not-when-fullscreen have been because it didn't check all windows. I recently needed this myself, so I fixed it.

we may close this issue since it was caused by X monitor power off setting