
--not-when-fullscreen issue

Closed this issue · 23 comments

Hi, when running xidlehook with --not-when-fullscreen it still locks the screen, tested this with full screen video in youtube under archlinux with i3lock-fancy

What DE/WM are you using? This has occured to me in xmonad due of a lack of EWMH hints.

To debug this, please run the following command and click a fullscreen window.

xprop | grep _NET_WM_STATE

I'm using i3-gaps-next right now.
This is the output of your command:


Is the fullscreen window currently active when it locks? xidlehook only checks for the currently active window.

I just made a change related to fullscreen to be less of a hack. It probably won't change anything, but if nothing else works it'd be great if you tried the latest version on git.


Closed due to inactivity

I'm happy to pick this up.
My xprop shows:

$ xprop | grep _NET_WM_STATE

I'm running i3 and both youtube and beachbody.com both go dim my screen after 60 seconds using this in my .i3/config file:

exec --no-startup-id xidlehook --not-when-fullscreen \
--timer normal 60 \
    'xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness .1' \
    'xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness 1' \
--timer primary 600 \
    'xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness 1; i3lock -nc 000000' \
    '' \
--timer normal 1200 \
    'grep 0 /sys/class/power_supply/AC/online > /dev/null && eystemctl suspend' \
    '' &

When running xidlehook, I assume you get no warnings in the console? I'll double check that everything works on my end as soon as I can, which sadly is no sooner than the weekend.

No warnings/errors. I usually run it in the background, but I ran it in a console and tried youtube and I see no warnings/errors and after 60 seconds my screen dimmed.

I cannot reproduce this, even in i3.

  1. What version of xidlehook is this? (xidlehook --version)
  2. Is the fullscreen window also the "active" one? (the one which gets keyboard input)
$ xidlehook --version
xidlehook 0.6.1

As far as I can tell it is the active one. I can click on the youtube video to pause it and I can press the spacebar to pause it. Moreover the xprop says as much:

$ xprop | grep _NET_WM_STATE

I can take a video when I'm home, if that helps at all.

I can take a video when I'm home, if that helps at all.

I suppose that could aid me in reproducing this issue, thanks!

Also having this issue on 0.6.1 :) my print out is: _NET_WM_STATE(ATOM) = _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED, _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN

Also having this issue on 0.6.1 :) my print out is:

Very strange! Are you also using i3?

I noticed that both of you have _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED, while I do not. I think this bug only shows on the latest version of i3, where this was added. So, @jpmorris, skip the video for now. I'll update i3 and try to reproduce

I was able to reproduce it with the latest version of i3wm. Turns out I misunderstood the (vague) X11 documentation on a thing that made it read too little. Good thing is that it never should have caused undefined behavior.

It should now be fixed with 1de9de5, could you verify?

Confirmed fixed for me! Thanks for the speedy work!

sorry to resurrect this (I can also open a new bug) but this flag (although working on my laptop) doesn't work on my desktop with three monitors. Are you checking for the STATE on all current monitors?

sorry to resurrect this (I can also open a new bug) but this flag (although working on my laptop) doesn't work on my desktop with three monitors. Are you checking for the STATE on all current monitors?

It's not about the monitor, it's about the currently focused window. If the mouse is on another monitor, it will select a different focused application and not work.

Thank you for the quick reply! Would possible to make this more Windows or caffeine-esque to disable when any fullscreen app is running? Sometimes I have it full screen on one monitor, and it would be nice to not have to remember to keep giving the video focus every time as I transition from working at the computer and away from the keyboard but I (or my toddler) still watching.

Perhaps, I'll take a look later. For now you can try using --not-when-audio and see if that suits your need better?

Moved your question to a new issue, #19

I'm having a similar issue, I think. If Firefox is fullscreen it will still trigger the screenlock. If audio is running it will still trigger screen dimming but not lock.

#! /bin/bash

# Run xidlehook
xidlehook \
  `# but not when fullscreen` \
  --not-when-fullscreen \
  `# and not when audio playing` \
  --not-when-audio \
  `# dim after 60 seconds inactivity, undim if activity` \
  --timer normal 60 \
    'xrandr --output HDMI2 --brightness .4 --output VGA1 --brightness .4' \
    'xrandr --output HDMI2 --brightness 1 --output VGA1 --brightness 1' \
  `# after ten seconds undim and run gllock` \
  --timer primary 15 \
    'xrandr --output HDMI2 --brightness 1 --output VGA1 --brightness 1; gllock' \
    '' \
  `#if no activity in another 30 seconds suspend `\
    --timer normal 60 \
      'systemctl suspend'\