
Early Reflection Removal

jaakkopasanen opened this issue · 1 comments

Early reflections are very detrimental to imaging and should be avoided whenever possible in the room acoustics design. Impulcifer should be able to reduce amplitude of early reflections for cases when room acoustic treatment is not possible.

Filtering out frequencies that have been excited less than 5 to 20 ms ago with the tracking filter might not be possible because the frequency played only 5 to 20 ms ago is very close to the frequency playing right now and the band-pass filter would need to have too steep notch.

More likely approach is to reduce amplitude of the impulse response with a Tukey window function where the window spans from current time step to 20 ms back.

Humans expect floor bounce to be there and taking it out will decrease the subjective evaluation. Floor bounce is often the first reflection which means reflection removal is not so good idea afterall.