
Quick Exploratory Data Analysis


Quick Exploratory Data Analysis

What is the EDAinator?

  • The EDA is designed to take a list of numbers and do some quick Exploratory Data Analysis.
  • It is designed particularly for Excel. Often I (and maybe you) will receive an Excel sheet, and the first thing I want to do is get a general picture about the columns.
  • This can take some time to fire up R or write the proper functions in Excel.
  • With the EDAinator, I can start it, select a row, copy it, and get my basic results.

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What does the EDAinator do?

  • The EDAinator will take a list of numbers, convert it to vector, and do the following:
  • Compute summary statistics such as the mean, quantiles, etc.
  • Generate a QQ plot
  • Generate a Histogram

How does it work?

  • Select some numbers from an Excel worksheet column.
  • Copy them to your clipboard.
  • Paste them into the Text box provided by the EDAinator.
  • Gain a numerical epiphany regarding your data.

Give it a try

  • Go here
  • Entering: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 in the text input will produce the equivalent output
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       1       3       5       5       7       9

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

The fine print


  • The EDAinator only takes numbers separate by spaces at the moment
  • When pasting from Excel, the EDAinator only accepts columns
  • The EDAinator only generates a QQ plot agains the normal distribution

Future Directions

  • Add support for comma separated, tab separated, semi-colon separated values.
  • Add tests for other distributions:
  • Poisson
  • Hypergeometric