
Nothing gets printed, QR code blank

jurgenwerk opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using prawn 1.3.0 and prawn-qrcode and when I want to print a sample QR code:

qrcode = RQRCode::QRCode.new 'https://github.com/jabbrwcky/prawn-qrcode', :size=>5
text "QR code start"
text "QR code end"

Only "QR code start" and "QR code end" strings get printed, and no actual QR code in between. What could be the reason?

Sorry, it took me a while to find some time for this project again.
Seems like some subtle changes in Prawn since 0.11.1.

Also did some cleanup (like requiring ruby >2 and Prawn >1) so everything should be back to normal now.