
optional disabling of the gitcache

daniel-brosche opened this issue · 8 comments

I have an use case where the gitcache is not a good thing.
This article describes in which scenarios gitcache can be probelmatic (the point 2-3 are really a problem in one of my use cases).
Therefore I need an option to disable caching over an option.

What do you think?

I think we could add a new environment variable (https://gitman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup/environment/) called GITMAN_CACHE_DISABLE. If set, repositories will be cloned directly.

Ok, I will try that

What are your typical development steps to verify your development stage locally. Actualy I currently install the development-stage globally by using the setup.py and then trying to debug (because in my mind gitman recursively calls gitman which needs to be system-wide installed). Is there a smarter way to do that?

Check out how $ make demo is implemented. That will run the local version of gitman.

Why is yorm listed in pipfile.lock and not in the pipfile itself?
Is this correct?

Yeah, that's correct. The runtime dependencies are pulled in from setup.py.

Eventually I'll switch this project over to poetry, which make a lot more sense for libraries.

Good to know. Poetry looks nice and clean...

Next I will start to implement this small feature...