
Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

Scope guard expressions, autoclose variables and protected (try/finally) blocks in Haxe

This library introduces scope exit expressions, similar to what is found in the D language, and autoclose variables, similar to C#'s using or Java's try-with-resources, but with a different syntax. The guarded scope is a plain block in which (but not in the scope guard expressions) control statements (ie. return, break and continue) may be used; it's also allowed to throw exceptions, both from the guarded block and from the scope guard expressions themselves.

A primitive try/finally-like syntax is available as well.

The library is based on expression macros, and these may be used explicitly. A nice looking build macro based syntax is also provided.



This code uses exceptions of type scopes.Protect.ControlException internally. The user code may never either throw or catch exceptions of this type directly (catching Dynamic is ok).

Expression macros:

The macros in this package rewrite processed expressions quite heavily and forces expansion of any macros contained therein; it is not guaranteed that any macro call will be expanded exactly once. This is to ensure that other macros' expansions may contain functions, returns and these will be handled correctly, as if written by hand.

Scope exits:

import scopes.Scope;

    @scope(true) expr3;
    @scope expr4;
    @scope(String) expr6;
    @scope(@as(s) String) proc1(s);

The only parameter to Scope.withExits() must be a block expression.

Expressions annotated with @scope will not be executed right away, but queued for execution upon leaving the scope instead. The @scope meta accepts the following arguments:

  • true for expressions to be executed when the block exits normally, which includes return, break and continue
  • false for expressions to be executed when the block exits with an exception
  • null for expressions to be executed everytime the block exits
  • type identifier for expressions to be executed when the block exits with an exception of the identified type, checked by Std.is()
  • @as(variable) with type identified, so the exception is available inside the scope guard expression bound to variable

@scope without arguments is equal to @scope(null).

The eligible expressions will be executed in reverse lexical order.

Scope exit expressions may not contain return, break or continue statements. If any throws an exception, the subsequent ones will not be executed.

If uppercase @SCOPE is used instead of @scope, exceptions from thus annotated expression will be silently dropped (thus allowing subsequent exceptions' execution).

Any scope exit expression must be so declared directly inside a block, that is not in an if or whatever else.

The value of the Scope.withExits() expression is the value of the last expression in the transformed block, or, if the block ends with @scope expression, unspecified.

Autoclose variables:

Autoclose variable is a special case of scope exit expression. If a variable(s) declaration is marked with closes, when the scope is exited the object it references will have it's close() method called. If several variables are declared in one var expression, declarations will be split and each one will have its autoclose code generated. That is:

@closes var var1 = expr1,
            var2 = expr2;

is equal to:

var var1 = expr1;
@scope var1.close();
var var2 = expr2;
@scope var2.close();

It is possible to specify the name of the function to be called instead of the default close(), that is if a variable is annotated with @closes("aMethod"), its aMethod() function will be called.

If @CLOSES is used instead of @closes, any exceptions thrown by the call will be silently dropped.

Exception suppression (aka quelling)

Any and all exceptions may be suppressed using Protect.quell(expr, exceptions)

import scopes.Protect;

Protect.quell({ expr1; expr2; });                      // suppresses all exceptions

Protect.quell({ expr1; expr2; }, String, haxe.io.Eof); // suppresses exceptions of types
                                                       // String and haxe.io.Eof

The types specified may be imported and specified by the type name, or otherwise specified by full path. This macro is expanded into a try block with an empty catch clause for each listed exception.

Primitive protected/cleanup expressions:

import scopes.Protect;


CLEAN will always be executed when PROT exits. This includes normal completion or an abrupt exit with an exception, or a return, break or continue statement.

Any abrupt exit from the CLEAN expression will shadow the previous abrupt exit from the PROT expression, if any.

The value of the Protect.protect(PROT, CLEAN) expression is the value of the PROT expression if it completes; otherwise it's unspecified (and unreachable as well).

Build macros:

To use the build macros the class must implement the scopes.ScopeSyntax interface or be annotated with @:build(scopes.Syntax.build())

All the build macros expand into expression macros to do the work, hence they should not be in conflict with other build macros.

Scope exit, autoclose variables:

No difference from the expression macro, the block doesn't need any metadata, if any annotated variables/expressions are found inside, the macro will work. That is, the code below will work as expected:

class Example {

    private function doSomething() {
        @closes var var1 = initExpr1();
        @scope(true) expr3;
        @scope expr4;

Expression suppression:

Just annotate the expression you want to suppress exceptions thrown by with the @quell metadata:

class Example {
    private function doSomething() {
        @quell { expr1; expr2; }                      // suppresses all exceptions

        @quell(String, haxe.io.Eof) { expr1; expr2; } // suppresses exceptions of types
                                                      // String and haxe.io.Eof        

Basic unwind/protect:


@protect {
  protected: PROT,
  cleanup: CLEAN

As above, CLEAN is executed always whenever PROT exits.


06/06/15: 1.1.0:

  • Fix several bugs.
  • Add @quell and @scope by type

12/26/14: 1.0.0:

  • Remove @protect/@clean syntax
  • Rename package from net.parensoft.protect to scopes
  • Rename library to scopes, deprecate the old lib

11/26/14: 0.5.0 Various fixes

09/27/14: 0.4.0 Protected expressions (thus also blocks with scope exits) now have proper values

09/25/14: 0.3.1 Disallow return in scope exits, add new protect syntax

09/25/14: 0.3.0 Scope exits and autoclose variables

09/22/14: 0.2.0 Expand macros inside the protected block

09/08/14: 0.1.0 First version, support return, break, continue inside the protected block.

License: MIT

(C) Parensoft.NET 2015