
Pyautoit Pixel Search

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Pixel Search is not seem to work well with python.
[AutoItError: color is not found]
When i tested it with the notepad++ it work fine.
it is same script.

In autoit, the parameter order is (left, top, right, bottom). In PyAutoIt, the parameter order is (right, top, left, bottom).
Someone figured it out through experimentation. Apparently there are also some issues with performing the function on multiple monitors. This StackOverflow page has more info.
Another minor detail: it looks like the "default" search direction is different as well. In general, AutoIt will search the screen left-to-right and top-to-bottom, in the same way you'd read a book. PyAutoIt appears to be searching the screen right-to-left and top-to-bottom.