1Password prompts for password everytime
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Ok, so 1password-cli doesn't seem to like whatever it is we do when we invoke it through api_key_cmd
on Arch. It prompts for authorization everytime.
I can op read
from that same terminal multiple times and only prompting the first time, however whenever I launch nvim it prompts.
It might be related to plenary.job
and the fact that 1Password seems to use the TTY to remember sessions:
37069 ? Sl 0:00 op read op://Private/openai-api-key/password
vs (when running from shell):
37425 pts/1 Sl+ 0:00 op read op://Private/openai-api-key/password
Having the same issue.
Kitty 0.23.1
Fish 3.7.0
MacOS 14.6.1
this works for me on macos: https://github.com/loteoo/ks
api_key_cmd = "ks show openai",
it prompts when the plugin is loaded the first time.
one question I have (maybe related feature request?) can we wait to ask for the key until the first time we use a command? it is a little annoying to type in the prompt every time I open nvim before I use chat gpt
EDIT: we can actually delay the plugin loading with lazyvim cmd
dependencies = {
{ "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
{ "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
cmd = { "ChatGPT", "ChatGPTActAs", "ChatGPTRun", "ChatGPTEditWithInstructions" },
config = function()
require("chatgpt").setup {
api_key_cmd = "ks show openai",
this will delay the prompt until one of the cmd
is used