
Sensei's Path Expansion

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hello, your website has been a great training tool for me and and also an efficient way to play matches with distant friends. As a lover of this game I would like to ask if there are any plans to add the cards present in the sensei path expansion.


Promo Cards:

Currently don't know of any other way to play the expansion with friends without a physical version of this game so I believe it would be a great addition.

Thank you very much for your work.

I really like this change and will try to get them merged over the next week or so!

Apologies for the slow turnaround, GitHub has stopped notifying me via the app

It looks like these changes have been rolled back on the onitama.app website. Any idea when they'll return?

Assuming you haven't abandoned this project @jackadamson @jack5thdomain, when you do re-add Sensei's Path it would be nice to have the option to turn it on/off.

So you could run the game with the following options:

  1. Just the Base Game
  2. Just Sensei's Path
  3. The Base Game + Sensei's Path
  4. All the cards, including promos

It would also be good to be able to turn individual promos or even cards on or off.

I don't believe I've reverted any changes in the past 6 months, perhaps check if you see the changes in Incognito?

It might be an issue with the service worker caching the page.

I'm hoping to add some of the expansions as toggled options in the near future, but haven't had much spare time lately.

I don't believe I've reverted any changes in the past 6 months, perhaps check if you see the changes in Incognito?

It might be an issue with the service worker caching the page.

I've just ran through some troubleshooting and every way I've tried I get just the original cards with the old all green colors.


Sensei's Path and the Goat/Sheep were working fine until I posted that message 2 weeks ago.

You are entirely correct, I must have somehow triggered a build of an older docker build and overwritten latest.

Now should be back Sensei's path, Promotional Cards, the non-wind cards from Way of the Wind and a new settings menu to toggle decks on and off!