
2.38 crashes on start with Ventura

liquidsmok3 opened this issue · 5 comments

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exact same issue as this report below that was recently closed.

I can confirm that I also cannot use only-switch on Venture with version [2.3.9].

On installation, the App requests Bluetooth access -> Menu bar show an icon (but not clickable) -> Need to kill the process -> Open it again -> App window shows for 2 seconds gets closed.

@liquidsmok3 @renantmagalhaes Would you like to test this beta version for your reports?

@liquidsmok3 @renantmagalhaes Would you like to test this beta version for your reports?

no dice. UI still crashes and the process is still running and have to force kill. The difference in this build and all the others I have tested is that instead of the settings window flashing briefly, I get a pop up window asking me to update to a newer version. The menu bar icon still disappears and leaves no UI elements of the app.
I didn't get any requests for permissions for Bluetooth like the @renantmagalhaes did, but on the first couple attempts to launch the app MacOS blocked it saying it cant determine if the app is safe and needs to be updated by its author. Prob not signed properly or something. I had to control click the app to run it.

if I get some time later, im going to download the source again and build another local version and see if I can gleam anything.

ok, so I grabbed the current build project and opened it in Xcode. Everything that I listed in my original post here #52 still applies.

There are a number of Xcode errors when loading the project about striping dead code. Once I fix all those and then change the build targets to automatically manage signing and for local runs. It builds and runs perfectly. So I'll just keep using this as my local build cuz it works. Hopefully I won't have to do this for every official update though. Im not definitively sure exactly what the issue is due to my intermediate level of coding experience, but I can reliably fix it locally.

Im still unable to run this app without the UI crashing on startup and leaving an orphaned process running.
I just tried version 2.3.12 and it's the same exact problem ive had with this app for a very long time now. I can only get it to run and function if I download the source, fix 4 dead code issues, and build it myself. Ventura has been officially out for a while now. But I know if I download the source again and open it, it will have the same dead code issues. I really dont understand why this is still an ongoing problem for me. I would love to use this app without having to jump through hoops at every update.