
Add notch hiding for M2 MacBook Air

ramuno4 opened this issue · 3 comments

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Hi, Thank you for the feedback.
Doesn't notching hiding switch work on M2 Macbook? Because I don't have this module laptop to test, this is the first I got the report.

On my Air M2 hiding the notch works, but not in the way that I expected. Your "hide" turns the menu black, to let the black notch no longer contrast.
Above menu in that screenshot
The menu below in that picture ist the solution from https://github.com/zkondor/znotch. This software moves the menu below the notch, so that all menu bar items can be displayed.
Another idea from https://github.com/dwarvesf/hidden - there is an option to make their app frontmost when showing hidden menu bar items - And the app has only one menu (no edit, file or windows), so all menu bar items can be displayed.

@TomBoehm Thank you for these ideas! Actually, OnlySwitch has already had a switch called Hide Menu Bar Icons that referred to dwarvesf's hidden.