
Hide "Hide menu bar icons" when feature is diabled

pddd opened this issue · 6 comments

pddd commented

The icon for "Hide menu bar icons" should disappear, when the feature is disabled/deactivated.
On disabling this feature, hidden icons should be shown.

MacBook Pro 16, M1


It is a realy usefull app! Thank you for developing!!

@pddd You can find Switches Availability on the left of menu bar when settings window is open. Click Disable hide menu bar icons, the icon will disappear.

On my System the Menubar don't work - maybe i must enable some rights for only-switch, but which one?

@adminquest Have you checked the option on my last comment's picture?

Thank you very much. I had actually ignored the image. My mistake. Thanks again :-D


What has been my real problem: If you put the HideSymbol in front of the OnlySwitch (1.) then the button (logically) doesn't work (2.) But you also don't get a hint that you are doing something wrong. A hint why this does not work would be great. If you notice it once, it won't happen again - but a hint would be good.


Maybe here?