
Autosize not working with webpack in Laravel

Closed this issue · 6 comments

npm run dev
Uncaught ReferenceError: autosize is not defined
at Object. (app.js:11026)
at webpack_require (app.js:20)
at Object. (app.js:11008)
at webpack_require (app.js:20)
at app.js:63
at app.js:66

if change autosize.js all working
// module.exports = autosize;

It's in UMD module format, so you'll want to assign your require to a variable. Some something like const autosize = require('autosize/dist/autosize'). You should also be able shorten that to const autosize = require('autosize') because the package.json lists /dist/autosize.js as the entry/main file.

jackmoore, Thanks!

Looks like same issue happens to me, but not working with const autosize = require('..');

in resources/js/app.js file, I wrote
const autosize = require('autosize/dist/autosize');

and repacking..

in html page,
autosize(document.getElementById('ta') makes an error Uncaught ReferenceError

@gatesplan I think the problem is that when you import autosize as a module it is no longer provided as a global (this is just how the UMD modules work, see the conditional logic for that at top of the dist/autosize file). You should make that global yourself if you want to use autosize outside of the scope in which it was imported.

If anyone else comes looking for another way to do this:

import autosize from "autosize";
global.autosize = autosize;

here a simple solution
in your resources/js/app.js
add this code
autosize = require('autosize');

Screenshot 2020-04-12 04:10:36