
Mismatched ARIA Attributes and Roles in intl-tel-input

Closed this issue · 3 comments

During accessibility testing using Lighthouse, I encountered an error regarding mismatched ARIA attributes and roles in the intl-tel-input component.

Issue found here:

<div class="iti__selected-flag" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Selected country" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="iti-0__dropdown-content" tabindex="0">

Additional Information:

  • Version of intl-tel-input used: 20.0.4.
  • This issue impacts the accessibility of intl-tel-input and needs to be addressed to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

Thanks for reporting this. Can you tell me which initialisation options you were using?

And what exactly is the mismatch?


Please run live demo in page speed you will get the issue: https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-intl-tel-input-com/nkiaqnnx19?form_factor=desktop

Options I have used:

        const options={
          preferredCountries: ["AE"],
          separateDialCode: true,
          lazyLoading: true,
          placeholderNumberType: "MOBILE",
          utilsScript: utilsScript,

Fix released in v20.0.5