
Utils script missing functions

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Upgrading from v17.x.x I'm missing the proper functionality in the Utils.js script.
Looks like this was updated 12 minutes ago (upon noticing) so am I out of sync or perhaps you're still building and updating the whole package?

functions missing:

Steps to reproduce

  1. Updated the jquery script
  2. Updated the SCSS (changed the math.div cause I'm using an older node-sass version and changed the path)
  3. Updated the flags images
  4. Changed the options

I use my own custom validator wrapper, basically just calling:
const valid = this.phoneNumber.intlTelInput('isValidNumber');

Expected behaviour

The field and dropdown render properly
My validator should still work as it's bound to a jQuery object.

Actual behaviour

The Utils.js script in the output folder has less functions defined than in the src folder Utils.js.
The validation generated an error:
Uncaught TypeError: intlTelInputUtils.formatNumberAsYouType is not a function
So I disabled the option...

The validation generated an error:
Uncaught TypeError: intlTelInputUtils.isPossibleNumber is not a function

Initialisation options

separateDialCode to showSelectedDialCode;
countrySearch: false,
formatAsYouType: false,
utilsScript: "path-to-utils-script"

my bad, I was pointing to an older Utils.js script only available on the file system and not in my solution.

All problems resolved and thanks for the update.