
ES5 Support on AngularJS App

iJerson opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, On version - 18.1.4 onwards utils.js is build with ES6. Is there a way to get an ES5 build for utils.js file because our application currently doesn't support ES6. Or is there any other option you can suggest. Thanks you!

Can you tell me more about your use case - what exactly is it that doesn't support ES6? I thought there was pretty comprehensive support in 2024...

this is an old application built with AngularJS and all of our third party libraries are included in the bundle. so when we build the application it failed because of the ES6 features(const, let, arrow functions, etc) in the library. Our application build successfully on v18.1.3 which is the current version of intl-tel-input we're using, but we need to upgrade to get the new update of libphonenumber.

when we build the application it failed because of the ES6 features(const, let, arrow functions, etc) in the library

What bundler/build tool are you using? Have you considered updating the config to allow ES6, which is the industry standard now? Or are you having to support some super old browser/version for some specific reason?

We are using grails to build the application. No plans on upgrading to ES6 at the moment.