Rotating error
Closed this issue · 2 comments
When I boot into the jailbroken side, I am unable to rotate my iPad Pro 2018.
Alright. From what I can tell, here is the working method to restore auto-rotate.
- Reboot or begin in a non-jailbroken state
- Launch Xina
- Perform a rebuild of jailbreak environment
- Perform a manual reboot (volume +, -, power)
- Perform openJailbreak
- Test, Validate rotation is there
- Install libhooker 1.6.9
Note: Base Structures will prompt to uninstall, allow it and DO NOT restart springboard.
- Install Base Structures
- Restart springboard
Note: After a full reboot and re-jailbreak this stops working. Not sure why…
Now, there are times where a respring will not load tweaks. Simply open Xina, perform openJailbreak, then click respring when it says Done. I can confirm the dependency uninstall of Base Structures when installing libhooker is what is triggering this event. Further, if you maintain base structures supplied/installed with Xina. The need to re-run the openJailbreak post springboard respring (read tweak install) is gone. Further stability is another issue, as once Base Structures is uninstalled from the libhooker install request. The Settings app will hang and crash, tweaks that often cause this are a-font, or Laetus.
Thank you