
Tag a new version for melpa-stable

bastibe opened this issue · 6 comments

Thank you for writing this awesome library!

Today I was trying to get rid of my non-stable software and the non-stable melpa repository. Alas, dumb-jump on melpa-stable is severely outdated.

Could you tag a new stable version for melpa-stable to pick up?

One way around this is to download dumb-jump manually, and then M-x package-install-from-buffer the checkout, assuming you have downloaded the dependencies manually.

Related #399.

Dear @alphapapa, I understand that Melpa-stable is not like Debian Stable. But it provides me (as a user) with version numbers, and less package churn. Furthermore, it gives me (as a developer) a way of marking certain versions of my software as "good", instead of just publishing whatever is on master. For these reasons, I prefer to use Melpa-stable, and would appreciate it if dumb-jump were to tag a newer release.

Thank you, @phikal, for providing a workaround. I can also install a current version from melpa. I'd just prefer a tagged version if possible.

Thanks for all the comments, everyone. I can see both sides, but I went ahead and tagged a new release so anyone using stable only isn't stuck on a super old version.

I would think that the changes since 0.5.3 are more than just a patch release?

Thank you very much!