
Add support for CLI flags

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ppicd can only be configured via environment variables at the moment — it would be nice to be able to specify these options via command line flags too;

usage: ppicd [-dz] [-p port]
    -d         enable pprof debug routes
    -z         enable gzip compression
    -p port    specify a port to run the server on (defaults to 3000)

How are you ?

Can I contribute to this ?
If so, what is the order of processing (priority is environment variables or the flags) ?

Thanks in advance

Hey @ricardoseriani - sorry but I already picked this one up and have finished the work for it, I've just not had chance to commit it and merge it back into master yet.

There's still #2 up for grabs if you're interested! Would be good to discuss over there your thoughts on the URL for mirroring.