
TinyPNG API console application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Batch compress PNG with TinyPNG API in terminal. Support multi level directory.


``` 1. Package init: $ npm install tinypng-tool ```
2. Change api:
$ tinypng -k I_KC7xGPxXfZPrEbrc-kXWBetAQ323rz

hint: change the above api to your owns. Get api: https://tinypng.com/developers (free 500 images/month. )


Usage: tinypng [options] [image.png|*.png]
  -k, --api-key       Set default TinyPNG API key.
  -r, --allow-rewrite Rewrite the original files with compressed data.
  -n, --allow-nonpng  Allow you to compress files without .png extention.
  -p, --postfix       Postfix for compressed files when rewriting disabled.
  -h, --help          This message.
  -v, --version       Show version.
Example: tinypng -r image/


this is the folk from https://github.com/ozio/tinypng, this folk just add the feature to support multi level directory.