
Cannot post logs to multiple servers easily

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently, when the set of URLs are ready to be posted to a discord server, it is chosen based on the config, posting based on the active raiders in each encounter. In addition to this, i would like to post to an additional server at the same time, so that I can have the existing current affect of posting to the correct discord based on who I was raiding with, but I would also like to always have all the raid logs that I was involved in on my personal discord server.

@coreyleis, can you try out the pull request I made? That might be suitable for your request.

Thoughts on how to update the icons would be appreciated as well. I am not 100% sure a good method of doing that. I like the simplicity of the current solution of just re-posting. It does end up looking weird, especially if you like the icons.