
Suggest developers use Github PAT when developing litr to avoid rate limiting

patrickvossler18 opened this issue · 1 comments

It is pretty easy to get rate limited by github when building litr on a machine that doesn't have a github PAT. It might be useful to add a recommendation to add a github PAT to your .Renviron file if you want to work on developing litr.

Here's my suggestion that is based on the error message from the remotes package

Knitting create-litr.Rmd makes quite a few calls to the GitHub API and it is easy to quickly reach the GitHub rate limit knitting create-litr.Rmd repeatedly in a short period of time. To increase your GitHub API rate limit

  • Use usethis::create_github_token() to create a Personal Access Token.
  • Use usethis::edit_r_environ() and add the token as GITHUB_PAT.

Perhaps we could put this message in CONTRIBUTING in the root of the directory?

Closed by #40