
not working even the same setup

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I setup RF receiver on PIN21 (wiringPI)
I setup RF transmitter on PIN1 (wiringPI).

I took the 8 button remote, get 4 codes on each button with RCSniffer:
Received 4437296 Received 4978320
Received 5106240 Received 4821920
Received 5229680 Received 4331296
Received 4872368 Received 5115408
Received 5229684 Received 4978324
Received 5106244 Received 5115412
Received 4437300 Received 4331300
Received 4872372 Received 4821924
Received 4437308 Received 4821932
Received 4872380 Received 4978332
Received 5229692 Received 5115420
Received 5106252 Received 4331308
Received 4821922 Received 4872370
Received 4331298 Received 4437298
Received 5115410 Received 5106242
Received 4978322 Received 5229682

(I can translate those to binary)
I pared the outlets with the remote, working.
RFSniffer pick the codes as the remote is operating with the outlets(list above).

I took you code modify the pin to 1 (wiringPI pin I'm guessing)
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -o unitec-rfsend unitec-rfsend.c -lwiringPi
(transmitter is working as sending codes with the 433Util are received by receiver):
pi@raspberrypi:~/433Utils.old/RPi_utils $ sudo ./RFSniffer
Received 12345678
Received 12345678
Received 12345678
Received 12345678

uncommented your debug lines(printf), executed:

  1. when the outlet is plugged and tries to pair (to send codes, yours/mines)
  2. translated mines to binary, in parallel with the remote

not working... also RFSnipper does not picks the signal up (probably due to the rc-switch protocol not matched).

Do you have any hints?

Same brand same codes:
48 110
Receiver 55006x10
Transmitter 50074

Marius Chisa

I have the exactly same modell (48110) of switch.

Good news: if I use the binary codes you provided and send them to the switch in pairing mode, I can afterwards perfectly turn on and off the switch with your sketch. Loving it!

Bad news: sniffing the codes of my original remote with RFSniffer of 433Utils repo delivers 4 different 24bit binary codes per button push. Unfortunatelly, nothing happens with the switch when I resend them.

Can you please explain how you came up with the 25bit code? How did you sniff them?? (I have 9 switches. I am currently using the 4 code pairs you provided, but I need 5 more ;))

Ok, I now managed to get the codes for the code-learning Unitec 48110 set sold at Amazon (3 switches, 1 remote at 9,95€)

You need to run piglight-receive. This will show some events of rev2_switch as well as for quigg_gt9000. You need to look just for the quigg_gt9000. Simply take the 24bit binary code shown there and add a trailing 0. (Sometimes, there are multiple quigg_gt9000 entries, that change when you press the button. So you may need to give several (1-2 in my case) binary codes a try. I guess this is due to the noise of the very cheap receiver.)


"message": {
"binary": "101000011110000100000101",
"id": 657369,
"unit": 10,
"state": "on"
"origin": "receiver",
"protocol": "quigg_gt9000",
"uuid": "0000-b8-27-eb-7ed736",
"repeats": 1

1010000111100001000001010 is the code you need to send by unitec-rfsend.