
Processing raw data to visualize a motion trajectory to learn about the story of the data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Trajectory Construction from Raw Data


Data tells a story so let's find it!

Contained in the data below is all the information to reconstruct a fairly complex vehicle trajectory.

Raw Input Data

The data preprocessed from CSVs looks like this:

timestamp displacement yaw_rate acceleration
0.0 0 0.0 0.0
0.25 0.0 0.0 19.6
0.5 1.225 0.0 19.6
0.75 3.675 0.0 19.6
1.0 7.35 0.0 19.6
1.25 12.25 0.0 0.0
1.5 17.15 -2.82901631903 0.0
1.75 22.05 -2.82901631903 0.0
2.0 26.95 -2.82901631903 0.0
2.25 31.85 -2.82901631903 0.0
2.5 36.75 -2.82901631903 0.0
2.75 41.65 -2.82901631903 0.0
3.0 46.55 -2.82901631903 0.0
3.25 51.45 -2.82901631903 0.0
3.5 56.35 -2.82901631903 0.0

This data is currently saved in a file called trajectory_example.pickle. It can be loaded using a helper function.

Each entry in data_list contains four fields. Those fields correspond to timestamp (seconds), displacement (meters), yaw_rate (rads / sec), and acceleration (m/s/s).

Data Explained

timestamp - Timestamps are all measured in seconds. The time between successive timestamps ($\Delta t$) will always be the same within a trajectory's data set (but not between data sets).

displacement - Displacement data from the odometer is in meters and gives the total distance traveled up to this point.

yaw_rate - Yaw rate is measured in radians per second with the convention that positive yaw corresponds to counter-clockwise rotation.

acceleration - Acceleration is measured in $\frac{m/s}{s}$ and is always in the direction of motion of the vehicle (forward).

After processing this exact data, it's possible to generate this plot of the vehicle's X and Y position:

this vehicle first accelerates forwards and then turns right until it almost completes a full circle turn.

Making those cool arrows:

see demonstration code


Take a processed data_list (with $N$ entries, each $\Delta t$ apart) as input:

  • get_speeds - returns a length $N$ list where entry $i$ contains the speed ($m/s$) of the vehicle at $t = i \times \Delta t$

  • get_headings - returns a length $N$ list where entry $i$ contains the heading (radians, $0 \leq \theta < 2\pi$) of the vehicle at $t = i \times \Delta t$

  • get_x_y - returns a length $N$ list where entry $i$ contains an (x, y) tuple corresponding to the $x$ and $y$ coordinates (meters) of the vehicle at $t = i \times \Delta t$

  • show_x_y - generates an x vs. y scatter plot of vehicle positions.

Initial Vehicle State

The vehicle always begins with all state variables equal to zero. This means x, y, theta (heading), speed, yaw_rate, and acceleration are 0 at t=0.