
help for using python-uds

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello Jacob,
i'm trying to use the python-uds you fork.
I've respect the process to install and setup your fork like describe on your github page.
But i've got an error message with the parameter: baseConfig.
Cna you help me ?
Many thanks

See below the error message:

from uds import Uds
ecu = Uds(transportProtocol="DoIP", ecu_ip="", ecu_logical_address=1)

In [9]: from uds import Uds
...: ecu = Uds(transportProtocol="DoIP", ecu_ip="", ecu_logical_address=1)

FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
1 from uds import Uds
----> 2 ecu = Uds(transportProtocol="DoIP", ecu_ip="", ecu_logical_address=1)

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/uds/uds_communications/Uds/Uds.py in init(self, configPath, ihexFile, **kwargs)
33 self.__P2_CAN_Server = None
---> 35 self.__loadConfiguration(configPath)
36 self.__checkKwargs(**kwargs)

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/uds/uds_communications/Uds/Uds.py in __loadConfiguration(self, configPath)
62 self.__config.read(baseConfig)
63 else:
---> 64 raise FileNotFoundError("No base config file")
66 # check the config path

FileNotFoundError: No base config file

Show the output of "pip freeze" command in your virtual environment. I don't personally use python-uds, but it was tested in another issue, and I don't think the author has changed anything.

Hi Jacob,
thanks for your answer.
That fine now for me: I use only python-doip package and udsoncan and I can send uds over DoIP packet.
Something was always wrong with python-uds but I've solve my issue.
King regards.