
Double precision array element initialized with single precision value

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In file lsodes.f90 in the example directory, in subroutine Edit we have the initialization

data yex/6.687279d-01 , 9.901910d-01 , 7.603061d-01 , &
& 8.077979d-01 , 1.170226e+00 , 8.810605d-01 , 5.013331d-01 , &

Note the "e+00". That should have been "d+00". This error can be seen in the LLNL and Netlib F77 sources of Odepack, as well. I suppose that we are so jaded by all the warnings that we see when compiling refactored F77 code that this minor bug has escaped detection for decades!

Particularly easy to miss as the values only specify 7 digits as well. I know the sometimes overwhelming messages have hidden several actual issues multiple times for me; making them harder to find. I changed it.