
Better explanation on Symlinks configuration

dclowd9901 opened this issue · 3 comments

Item 6 in your Gotchas page notes:

To make your app Live, make a symbolic link from your webroot to the current folder like this:

ln -s /[deploy here]/current/webroot /var/www/html/[sitename]

In my setup, /srv/www/showhopping.com/app/webroot, /srv/www/showhopping.com/ uses .htaccess to point to (successively) /app, then /webroot. This is, what I feel, a very common setup for cake applications. The suggestion seems to be that I have another folder residing elsewhere on the server that my Name Server points to, and that, in turn, symlinks to /current/webroot/, is that correct?

If it is, can it be written more explicitly, since this is outside the norm for Cake applications?

jadb commented

dclowd9901, I can how this can be mis-leading.

The deployment setup depends on how you repo looks like.

Capcake, out of the box, is configured to deploy a repo that looks like this:


Basically, only the content of the app folder. That is because cake's core is deployed separately (during setup) in /shared/ outside of current.

I have a feeling that your application's repository looks like:


In which case, you can't really rely on the wiki.

I just wanted to clarify that the repo is based in /app: http://i.imgur.com/u2Q6r.png

It sounds like I should just tweak the current folder structure to accommodate pointing to the /current folder, so I'll do that. I don't use the capcake cakephp deployment because I'm maintaining my 1.3 version I'm currently utilizing.

jadb commented

Ok - in that case, it's pretty simple.

In deploy.rb, deploy_to should be /srv/www/showshopping.com/current.

And your webserver (i.e. apache configuration) should point to /srv/www/showshopping.com/current/webroot.